West Des Moines Parks and Recreation

We are going to be offering a 6-week program so the children can be active and learn Spanish at the same time.We are offering Soccer, Tumbling, Dance, Art, Music, and Sports exploration program, where children will participate in a different Sport every day, SOCCER, FLAG FOOTBALL, VOLLEYBALL, SOFTBALL, BASKETBALL, FLAG RUGBY. This will provide them the confidence to participate in competitive sports as they grow older.

Our unique programming focuses on building strong bodies and minds simultaneously along with the benefits of learning Spanish. They will play and at the same time LEARN SPANISH VOCABULARY !!!

Contact Information

West Des Moines Parks and Recreation
217 5th Street
West Des Moines Iowa 50265
United States
Phone: 515-222-3444
Email: WestDesMoinesParks&RecreatioTeresa.Schaffer@wdm.iowa.gov
Url: http://www.wdm.iowa.gov/government/parks-recreation

